November 2014

The Grand Master was pleased to attend the Lodge of Unions Open meeting at Freemasons Hall, Great Queen Street.  She was delighted to be able to respond on behalf of the visitors at the festive board which followed the meeting.

October 2014

  • As plans began to be made for Surrey Lodge no. 45 to be brought out of darkness, HFAF attended the University of Surrey Freshers Week to publicize this. Surrey Lodge will be delighted to welcome new members from Surrey University when it re-opens in February 2015.
  • The Grand Master accompanied by the Past Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master and Assistant Grand Master and several Grand Lodge Officers once again journeyed north on their annual visit to the Provincial Lodges. As always we were kept busy with visits to Craft, Royal Arch and Ark  meetings. Thanks must go the Provincial Grand Master Pat Rothwell for organising such an entertaining visit.

September 2014

  • On 7th September, Wor. Bro. Parmena Radut was Installed as the first Romanian Master of Alpha Lodge no. 54, in a moving ceremony held in Bucharest. The Grand Master who has seen this project through from its first beginnings was delighted to attend and play a part in the ceremony.
  • The Grand Master and Deputy Grand Master were pleased to visit Spain for the second time this year to attend the Installation for a second term of office as Worshipful Master of Wor. Bro. Carole Towning of the Costa Blanca Lodge of Tranquility no. 52.

August 2014

On 31st August, the Lodge of Wisdom no. 55 was consecrated at Harrow District Masonic Centre by the Most Worshipful Grand Master, Christine Chapman and Right Worshipful Bro. Helen Levene, Junior Grand Warden, was Installed as the first Worshipful Master of the new lodge. This Lodge is the first of our University Lodges and will have an association with Brunel University. It will be aimed at the staff as well as the students and of course alumni. Younger members are attracted by the stability of Freemasonry, its rituals and traditions all of which provide a contrast to the fast pace of modern life. There are at present some 50 University Lodges working under the UGLE scheme.

July 2014

  • HFAF were once again delighted to support Middlesex Province at their annual Family Fete held at the Royal Masonic Girls’ School in Rickmansworth.

June 2014

The Grand Master accompanied by two Past Grand Masters and the Deputy Grandmaster visited our Lodges in Calhonda and Gibraltar for their Installation meetings. 2014 marks the 25th Anniversary of Gibraltar Lodge.

April 2014

The Grand Master, accompanied by the Deputy and Assistant Grand Masters and several members of HFAF visited the Isle of Man for their Spring Festival. As always our hosts were extremely hospitable and we are grateful to Right Wor. Bro. Irene Bridson, Grand Custodian for arranging the visit. – The Grand Master was thrilled to visit Singapore, at the invitation of Mount Faber Lodge, SC to talk about Women’s Freemasonry.

March 2014

The Grand Master spoke to the Metropolitan Grand Inspectors Annual Dinner about Women’s Freemasonry, at the invitation of Ian Currans, Assistant Grand Master, Metropolitan Grand Lodge.

January 2014

On 30th January the Most Worshipful Bro Christine Chapman was Enthroned as Grand Master in an impressive and moving ceremony at the Marriott Hotel in Swiss Cottage.

November 2013

The Board of General Purposes has agreed to consecrate a new Lodge to be connected to Brunel University.

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