Visiting the Province

Our annual trip to the North-West

The MW Grand Master and Grand Lodge Officers were pleased to visit our Provincial brethren in the North in October. For those that arrived on the Monday the Provincial Executive hosted a welcome meal at a nearby restaurant. Tuesday we attended a meeting of St Annes 32 for a Passing ceremony and a buffet Festive Board at a nearby hotel. A social evening on the Wednesday saw us at the St Annes Palace, a local masonic hall which was converted from a former cinema. We rounded off the visit on Thursday with a meeting of the Royal Ark Mariners Lodge moored to Cornerstone Mark Lodge 3, which was held at the Rangemoor Temple and followed by a colorful in-house Festive Board.

Northern Powerhouse

Our Northern lodges are always working to support local charities . In January Michele IPM of Bond of Friendship Lodge 48 was delighted to present £250 each to her two chosen charities; the Alzheimers Society and Dementia Cafe.

Michele pictured centre was surrounded by volunteers and cafe users. Receiving the cheques are Judith from the local Alzheimers Society and Maureen a volunteer.

And not to be outdone, Sue the WM of Sesame 26 presented a £400 cheque to Michelle from the Trinity Hospice

Northern Progress

October 8th – 12th saw us travelling North for our annual visit to our Provincial Lodges. The trip encompassed a Craft Meeting, followed by a Royal Arch Installation and finished with the customary Royal Ark Mariners Installation meeting. The week was tinged with sadness as the late Provincial Grand Master Brenda Cook was remembered at every meeting with much love and affection.


Investiture of Provincial Grand Master

On Monday 5th June at Morecambe RW Bro. Brenda Cook was invested as the new Provincial Grand Master by RW Bro Pat Rothwell the outgoing PrGM. RW Bro Cook had previously received her Letters of Patent from the Grand Master at the December Grand Lodge Quarterly Communications in London and been Obligated at the May Quarterly Communications. RW Bro Cook was was pleased to appoint VW Bro. Angela Seed as her Deputy.

Grand Master receives a sweet reception in Kendal

On Friday 20th January, the Grand Master Christine Chapman accompanied by the Grand Secretary Maxine Priestley travelled to Kendal, the home of the famous mint,  at the invitation of Eversley Lodge and Kendal Castle Chapter. The evening which had been organised by artisan baker and freemason Simon Thomas and Maxine was supported by both the local masonic community and also by members of the HFAF from our lodges in  Morecambe, Blackpool, Preston and Carlisle. The talk outlined the history of Women’s Freemasonry and the current development of HFAF.


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