Grand Secretary takes the Chair in Sussex

On Wednesday 1st June 2016, V.W.Bro. Maxine Priestley, our hard-working Grand Secretary was beautifully Installed into the Chair of Sussex Lodge No.17 by W.Bro. Penny Di Cara. The WM has been a member of Sussex Lodge since 2008 when it re-opened after a temporary closure and she has only recently handed over the duties of Secretary to Bro. Margaret Bartlett. An excellent meeting was followed by an excellent Festive Board at the nearby White Hart Hotel in Lewes.

Past DGM takes the reins in Colchester

On Thursday 26th May 2016, the R.W. Bro. Margaret Clarke, the Past Deputy Grand Master, achieved a long held ambition when she was Installed into the Chair of Colchester Lodge No. 31. The ceremony was faultlessly performed by the outgoing Master, V.W.Bro. Peggy Halford. The new WM then invested her Officers in her own unique and inimitable style. Several candidates were proposed for Initiation and it looks as though R.W.Bro. Clarke will have a busy year ahead.

Reta makes her Mark again

Monday 23rd May saw W. Bro. Reta Saxton-Howes  commence a 2nd term of office as WM of Mystic Stone Mark Lodge No. 2. She was beautifully installed by W. Bro. Angela Kaye. Reta then proceeded to invest her Officers with her customary zeal and assiduity. The four Charges, customarily delivered at Mark Installations were received by the Brethren with due appreciation. The meeting was followed by an excellent Festive Board.



Ambassadors Lodge visits Coventry

On Sunday 15th May, the HFAF Ambassadors Lodge travelled to Coventry to admit two former members of Centrum Lodge 46. This being the first step in the process of re-opening Centrum Lodge 46 as a Universities lodge. Two candidates were successfully interviewed and will be admitted at the next two meetings of Ambassadors Lodge. W.Bro. Leonie Newell was appointed as WM of Ambasadors Lodge for this project by the Grand Master.

Red Rose of Lancaster Lodge No. 19 closes

On Wednesday 11th May 2016, the Red Rose of Lancaster Lodge no. 19 held its last meeting. The lodge which was consecrated in 1944 has had a long and honourable history but sadly membership levels had dropped to such an extent that despite a concerted effort from members of other Lodges, the decision was taken to hand in its Warrant.

Rising Star Installation

Rising Star Lodge No. 38 held its annual Installation meeting on Monday 9th May 2016 at the Shirley Woolmer Temple in the Sidcup Masonic Centre. W. Bro. Tracey Worth was re-installed for a second term of office. The Lodge was pleased to show the Grand Master the Lodge Honours Board which had been kindly installed by the management. The HFAF banner was also given a permanent home at the Centre.

Trilateral Universities Scheme

On 25th April a unique meeting between the UGLE Universities Scheme and the Grand Masters of HFAF and OWF was held at the Guildhall in London to discuss the further progress of the Scheme between the three fraternities.

Isle of Man Spring Festival

In April the Grand Master Christine Chapman and Deputy Grand Master Irene Stewart visited the Isle of Man brethren for their Spring Festival. On Tuesday 12th April they attended a meeting of Grace Banks Martin/Mabel Garrett combined lodges 14/20 when two former members of the Manx lodges were welcomed back into the Fraternity.

The following day the Manx brethren organised a special buffet supper to welcome their distinguished guests. The Grand Master was delighted to present a 50 year certificate and Jewel to long standing member Joan Atkinson.

Women Freemasons at Coventry Everyone enjoyed a buffet supper after the GM's talk

Grand Master visits Coventry

On Friday 8th April, a team from HFAF led by the Grand Master Christine Chapman, visited Coventry Masonic Centre as part of the initiative to re-open Centrum Lodge No. 46 as a future member of the HFAF University Scheme. Thanks to the efforts of the Coventry Management team, led by David Joyce, maximum publicity for this event ensured a good attendance for the talk on Women’s Freemasonry given by GM Christine. After the talk in the Temple everyone adjourned to the dining room for a buffet supper. We were delighted to see some former members of the lodge there who were keen to rejoin us. Several prospective candidates came forward and we look forward to welcoming them into our Fraternity in the near future.


Kathy overcomes health problems to become WM

On Monday 4th April, Stability Lodge No. 1 celebrated a very joyous occasion when Senior Warden, Bro Kathy McLean was Installed as Worshipful Master of the lodge. It was so moving to see Kathy attain this goal as she has endured many health problems in the past few years. For Wor. Bro. Cynthia Rothman, the Installing Master,  it was particularly gratifying as she had occupied the Chair for two years, keeping it warm for Kathy! Stability Lodge as the number suggests is a very old lodge and was the first lodge of our Fraternity when it was founded in 1913.

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