First Romanian WM for UK Lodge

Tuesday 22nd February saw the Installation meeting of Gothic Lodge No. 27, which meets at our London HQ at 402 Finchley Road, NW2 when W. Bro. Penny Di Cara installed Bro Cristina Poppa as her successor as WM. She gave her a ceremony to remember which was only to be expected from a Brother who is also a Past Master of Sussex Lodge No. 17. The new WM invested her Officers beautifully and is to be congratulated when one realises that English is not her mother tongue. At this meeting the lodge said goodbye to their Preceptor  of many years the incredible Vy Wor Bro Sue Bentley who has proved herself to be a Preceptor par excellence and welcomed their new Preceptor W Bro Lesley Adams. Although we have a lodge in Romania, Alpha No. 54, W. Bro. Cristina is resident in the UK and so can lay claim to the title of the first Romanian WM for a UK Lodge.

Women Freemasons

The WM and members of Gothic 27

Holy Sepulchre celebrates another successful year.

On Wednesday 17th February , the Chapter of the Holy Sepulchre No. 6 held its Installation meeting at Rochford in Essex.  3rd Principal Ex.Companion Chrissy West-Webbe installed her successor Companion Christine Chesterman into the Chair of J and was then herself installed into the Chair of H by Ex. Companion Jane Walbancke the outgoing 2nd Principal. The outgoing 1st Principal Ex. Companion Carol Cole then installed her successor, Ex. Companion Jane Walbancke into the Chair of Z. This, the youngest Royal Arch Chapter in our Fraternity is now 7 years old and it was very encouraging to witness such high standards of ritual from all three installing Principals.The Royal Arch Degree is a very colourful ceremony based around the rebuilding of King Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem.


Royal Arch Women Freemasons

The 3 newly installed Principals





Gemma continues the family tradition

On Wednesday 10th February W Bro Gemma again assumed the mantle of leadership of Grace Bilantz Lodge No. 34,when she was beautifully Installed  into the Chair of King Solomon by IPM W Bro Marcia who despite a long period of illness this past year exceeded all expectations. W Bro Gemma continues the family tradition in this lodge, being the 3rd generation of Women Freemasons in her family to take the Chair of Grace Bilantz Lodge 34. This lodge meets at our London HQ at 402 Finchley Road, NW2.

Gibraltar celebrates 30 years

June saw the 30th Anniversary of Freemasonry for Women on the Rock. This joyous occasion was tinged with sadness as news had been received of the death of the founder of Gibraltar Lodge, MW Bro Sheila Norden. The lodge has been thrilled to finally have their own premises which unfortunately although perfect for lodge meetings are not big enough for Installation meetings which are held at the Mechanics Institute. Grand Master Christine Chapman was accompanied by the Past Deputy Grand Master Irene Stewart, the Junior Grand Warden, Jenny Noble and the Grand DC, Chrisssy West-Webbe.  A sight-seeing trip was arranged for the illustrious visitors.

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