Blackpool move

Lodges which formerly met at Rangemoor, Lytham Road have now moved to the Masonic Hall in Adelaide Street, Blackpool.

Northern Powerhouse

Our Northern lodges are always working to support local charities . In January Michele IPM of Bond of Friendship Lodge 48 was delighted to present £250 each to her two chosen charities; the Alzheimers Society and Dementia Cafe.

Michele pictured centre was surrounded by volunteers and cafe users. Receiving the cheques are Judith from the local Alzheimers Society and Maureen a volunteer.

And not to be outdone, Sue the WM of Sesame 26 presented a £400 cheque to Michelle from the Trinity Hospice

Northern Progress

October 8th – 12th saw us travelling North for our annual visit to our Provincial Lodges. The trip encompassed a Craft Meeting, followed by a Royal Arch Installation and finished with the customary Royal Ark Mariners Installation meeting. The week was tinged with sadness as the late Provincial Grand Master Brenda Cook was remembered at every meeting with much love and affection.


It's a family affair at Sesame 26

Monday 21st March saw the Initiation of yet another member of the Pearce family into Sesame Lodge 26. Bro. Zeqeisha became the fourth member of her family to join the lodge.

Zeqeisha with proud WM and grandmother, mother and sister.

Zeqeisha with proud WM and grandmother, mother and sister.

Her sister was Junior Deacon, her mum was Senior Deacon and her gran was a Steward. Worshipful Master Hazel can justifiably be proud of her Officers!

Magical Sesame

Monday 25th January saw the Installation meeting of Sesame 26 at Blackpool. Bro. Hazel Whattam was Installed as Worshipful Master by W. Bro. Anne Hughes. An excellent meeting enjoyed by everyone present.

HFAF supporting TLC

Prov GM, PPrGM and DPrGM with some of the teddies.
Prov GM, PPrGM and DPrGM with some of the teddies.

Our Northern Lodges are continuing to support the  Teddy Loving Care TLC initiative promoted by UGLE. Money is raised to provide Teddies to sick and distressed children in hospitals in the area. Our Provincial Grand Master Pat Rothwell (centre),  Past Provincial Grand Master Heather Hitchen (left) and Deputy Provincial Grand Master Brenda Cook (right) braved the wind and weather to meet one of the paramedics and his teddy friends.

Grand Master's visit to the Northern Province

Our first meeting was on Tuesday 6th October 2015 when we visited Morecambe & Heysham Lodge 15 for a Passing ceremony. During this meeting the Grand Master Christine Chapman was pleased to award the OSM (Order of Service to Masonry) to RW Bro Brenda Cook, Prov. Deputy GM.

On Wednesday 7th October 2015 we visited Morecambe again for a meeting of the Cornerstone Mark 3 when the ceremony of Advancement was performed.

Both these meetings held their Festive Boards at the Headway Hotel.

We rounded off  our trip with a visit to the Installation meeting of Royal Ark Mariners 2 when Bro Diane Bennett was Installed as Worshipful Commander by W Bro Cath Greenwood. This was followed by a delicious meal at Rangemoor, Blackpool provided by the amazing Margaret Tanton.

12th March 2015

Meridian Lodge 22 Installation at Blackpool. The Festive Board was held at Blackpool F.C.

meridian fb

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