The Pale Blue Club was delighted to be able to offer its first online event of the year for members and prospective members. Actor and Freemason, Vas Blackwood entertained his audience with his recollections of his masonic journey and acting career.
An invitation to Pale Blue Club Spring Social
Pale Blue Club steps into the limelight
Sunday 17th January saw the Pale Blue Club, for pale blue members of HFAF Freemasonry for Women, step into the limelight at the latest Young and New Masons Socials. A presentation was made by Club Chairman W. Bro. Lesley Adams ably assisted by Bro Tina Akande. She explained how the Club by holding online meetings enabled our pale blue members from all lodges in the UK and also overseas to regularly socialise together. The Club also held special Zoom meetings for candidates to meet members and to learn more about the Fraternity.
Freemasonry for Women (Coventry) supporting a high-flier of the future
When we set up our HFAF Uni Scheme it was with the intention of not only attracting younger members from Universities, it was also with the intention of providing bursaries to deserving students.
A high-flier for the future
Our project at Coventry aimed at re-opening Centrum Lodge 46 as a University Lodge recently received a request from UGLE University Lodge 9907 if we would join with them in supporting a very promising student called Farrah Barber. We were very happy to do so and agreed a sum of £250 and in conjunction with AMULL (Association of Medical, University and Legal Lodges) a grant totalling £1000 was made to enable to Farrah to pursue her MSc studies at Oxford in Social Science of the Internet, having recently graduated from St Andrews with a first-class honours degree in International Relations.
Centrum Lodge was due to be re-opened in April but due to the COVID-19 epidemic this has been postponed until next year. We wish Farrah every success in her future life. She certainly is deserving of our help as she has made every effort to support herself in her studies.
Spreading the word in the Midlands
On 17th February
the WM of our Ambassadors project at Coventry, W Bro Patricia Garraway was
invited to deliver a talk for a Friendship Evening at Solihull Lodge 8088 about
Freemasonry for Women and the work of Ambassadors Lodge 13 in helping to
establish new lodges. She spoke about the formation of our overseas lodge in
Spain, Romania, India and America and imparted the exciting news that
Ambassadors 13 will once again be travelling to India in January 2021 to
consecrate three new lodges.
She also spoke about the
project in Coventry which will lead to the re-dedication of Centrum Lodge No.
46 as a University Lodge meeting at Dalecote House in Coventry and working with
the Province of Warwickshire.
Despite battling ill-health Patricia’s efforts should see this project come to fruition in August of this year. To show their appreciation the lodge members had a collection for a charity nominated by Patricia which was the Derby & Burton Hospital Charity, one of whose projects is the provision of ‘nicer’ hospital gowns.
Uni Scheme Conference
Freemasonry for Women was invited to participate in the Uni Scheme Conference held at Chester on 16th November. Scheme Chair Maxine Priestley addressed the conference on the subject of our involvement to date with the Uni Scheme. The Province of Chester are to be congratulated on their excellent organisation of this conference which was held in the splendid surroundings of the Christleton Centre, just outside Chester. In fact there were so many interesting seminars that it was difficult to choose which to attend. We were pleased to meet representatives from the Order of Women Freemasons, who were also present at the Conference.
The official header
The lovely temple upstairs
The UGLE team
FFW Scheme Chair Maxine
The OWF were also present
Royal Wolverhampton School
23rd November
Lots to discuss
A get to know us event was held at the Royal Wolverhampton School to raise awareness of Freemasonry for Women and their aims, ideals and values. This event was supported by the Province of Staffordshire. The speakers included Grand Master Christine Chapman; Provincial Grand Master John Lockley; Grand Secretary Maxine Priestley; Uni Scheme representative Peter Hughes; Peter Hill School Governor and Anita Notta, parent and member of FFW. The long term aim is to set up a FFW Lodge based at the school taking its membership from staff, parents and alumni. Thanks to Bro David Joyce for the photo. Bro Anita from our Ambassadors Coventry project helped organise the event, as the mother of two children at the school she is very keen to get this idea off the ground.
Discover Freemasonry at Harrow
November 13th saw the last of the 2019 Discover Freemasonry events organised by the UGLE Province of Middlesex and was held at Southgate Masonic Centre. As always the men outnumbered the women in the audience! However HFAF Freemasonry for Women was well represented and Bro Corinna gave a very emotional and moving account of her journey in Freemasonry.
Our members testify
Harrow Masonic Centre saw another Middlesex Province Discover Freemasonry event in September. Three of our younger members gave eloquent testimonies of their masonic journeys to the great acclaim of the audience. Molly the mason also participated but she didn’t have much to say!
Corinna, Gaelle and Harsheel
Connaught Club Open Evening
The Connaught Club is aimed at members of Metropolitan Grand Lodge who are under 35. On 26th April, they held an Open Night at the UGLE headquarters in Great Queen Street in London and invited HFAF Freemasonry for Women along. Several members together with Grand Master Christine Chapman attended and Grand Master Christine addressed the gathering.
The HFAF members arrived early to get a good seat
Club President V W Bro. Ian Currans
Apollo Bicentenary
On 6th April the UGLE University Lodge Apollo No. 357 celebrated their bicentenary at a very special meeting held in the Sheldonian Theatre of Oxford University in the presence of the UGLE Grand Master, H.R.H. Duke of Kent. Our Grand Master Christine Chapman and University Scheme Chair Maxine Priestley were invited to attend this very special event and the after meeting celebrations, which included a Champagne reception at the Ashmolean and a splendid banquet at Keble.
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The Grand Secretary
The Honourable Fraternity of Ancient Freemasons
167-169 Great Portland Street
London W1W 5PF
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