The Isle of Brothers in Freemasonry

September saw a unique event on the Isle of Man when a contingent of women Freemasons were invited to attend the Annual Provincial Investiture meeting on Friday 22nd which had also been opened to family and friends.


The Grand Master Christine Chapman led a contingent of members of Freemasonry for Women members from the mainland and the Isle of Man.
PGM Martin Blackburn organised a tour of the island on the Saturday for us.

Isle of Man Spring Festival

In April the Grand Master Christine Chapman and Deputy Grand Master Irene Stewart visited the Isle of Man brethren for their Spring Festival. On Tuesday 12th April they attended a meeting of Grace Banks Martin/Mabel Garrett combined lodges 14/20 when two former members of the Manx lodges were welcomed back into the Fraternity.

The following day the Manx brethren organised a special buffet supper to welcome their distinguished guests. The Grand Master was delighted to present a 50 year certificate and Jewel to long standing member Joan Atkinson.

Isle of Man reaffirms its support for Women's Freemasonry

On Monday 7th December, the Isle of Man brethren re-affirmed their support for Women’s Freemasonry on the island at the annual Installation meeting of the combined lodges of Grace Banks-Martin 14 and Mabel Garrett 20 when W. Bro. Caroline Ronan was installed as Worshipful Master for the ensuing year. The brethren were delighted that the Grand Master, Christine Chapman was able to attend.

23rd April 2015

Wonderful party atmosphere at the Festive Board for Archstone Mark Lodge No. 4. The new WM Marilyn and the Committee certainly arranged an excellent evening for everyone.


21st April 2015

The Dining Room at the Lena Quaye Temple The Dining Room at the Lena Quaye Temple

The Dining Room at the Douglas Temple all set up for the Festive Board after the Craft meeting on Monday.

20th April 2015

Isle of Man Isle of Man

Grand Master Christine Chapman, accompanied by Deputy Grand Master Irene Stewart and Assistant Grand Master Hedy Babani with several Grand Lodge Officers are making their annual trip to visit the HFAF Brethren in the Isle of Man. Whilst there they will attend a Craft meeting and a Mark Installation.

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