Ambassadors Brazil project continues to make progress

Two new members for Ambassadors 13 Brazil project
Another two members for the Ambassadors 13 Brazil project

Ambassadors 13 held another meeting recently to make further progress towards their Brazil project which was established to create the founder members for a new Freemasonry for Women lodge in Brazil. Newest members Georgia and Luisa were admitted at a special meeting held at the Southgate Masonic Centre.

Freemasonry for Women (Coventry) supporting a high-flier of the future

When we set up our HFAF Uni Scheme it was with the intention of not only attracting younger members from Universities, it was also with the intention of providing bursaries to deserving students.

A high-flier for the future

Our project at Coventry aimed at re-opening Centrum Lodge 46 as a University Lodge recently received a request from UGLE University Lodge 9907 if we would join with them in supporting a very promising student called Farrah Barber. We were very happy to do so and agreed a sum of £250 and in conjunction with AMULL (Association of Medical, University and Legal Lodges) a grant totalling £1000 was made to enable to Farrah to pursue her MSc studies at Oxford in Social Science of the Internet, having recently graduated from St Andrews with a first-class honours degree in International Relations.

Centrum Lodge was due to be re-opened in April but due to the COVID-19 epidemic this has been postponed until next year. We wish Farrah every success in her future life. She certainly is deserving of our help as she has made every effort to support herself in her studies.

Spreading the word in the Midlands

On 17th February the WM of our Ambassadors project at Coventry, W Bro Patricia Garraway was invited to deliver a talk for a Friendship Evening at Solihull Lodge 8088 about Freemasonry for Women and the work of Ambassadors Lodge 13 in helping to establish new lodges. She spoke about the formation of our overseas lodge in Spain, Romania, India and America and imparted the exciting news that Ambassadors 13 will once again be travelling to India in January 2021 to consecrate three new lodges.

She also spoke about the project in Coventry which will lead to the re-dedication of Centrum Lodge No. 46 as a University Lodge meeting at Dalecote House in Coventry and working with the Province of Warwickshire. 

Despite battling ill-health Patricia’s efforts should see this project come to fruition in August of this year. To show their appreciation the lodge members had a collection for a charity nominated by Patricia which was the Derby & Burton Hospital Charity, one of whose projects is the provision of ‘nicer’ hospital gowns.

Ambassadors making progress

WM and 2 Fellowcraft at Ambassadors 13

WM and 2 Fellowcraft at Ambassadors 13


Progress continues at Uxbridge Masonic Centre as two Initiates, Bro Harsheel  and Bro Amonia took their second regular step in Freemasonry and were Passed to Fellowcraft by WM  Cecilia . It is hoped that the work undertaken at Uxbridge will lead to the consecration of a new University lodge,  Bro Harsheel also hopes to establish a lodge in Kenya in the future.

Unity 58 is here !!!

Sunday 6th October saw the culmination of our labours at The Cloisters in Letchworth when Unity Lodge No. 58 was consecrated to the great joy of the first WM Beverley Bourne. Beverley has led the Ambassadors project at Letchworth since the beginning. The consecrating party was led by the MW Grand Master Christine Chapman.

Making history in America

On Saturday 25th May, America Lodge 57 was consecrated by Grand Master Christine Chapman, leading a large team of HFAF members from both UK and Spain and Bro Lou Elias was Installed as the first Worshipful Master by Grand Secretary Maxine Priestley. During the visit to Washington DC, 4 further candidates were Initiated by the WM and Officers of America Lodge 57. The team returned home on 30th May exhausted but elated at having successfully completed this daunting challenge. A full report of our visit will be published on the website.


Cloisters Women take 2nd step

E9F01074-60D1-428A-B61D-41EE9F7C8F1AAmbassadors 13 continues its work of building new lodges for Freemasonry For Women in the UK.

The Letchworth project at the Cloisters took another step towards the Consecration of Unity Lodge 58 in October with the Passing of two more Brethren which means that Ambassadors 13(Letchworth) now has five Fellowcraft for the new lodge.

Pictured above is WM Beverley with Brothers Harshinder and Rose proudly wearing their FC Aprons.

Ambassadors America

On 26th and 28th May, a further group of American women came to HQ and were Initiated, Passed and Raised over the Bank Holiday weekend. This means that the new Lodge when it is consecrated next year in Washington, DC will have at least 14 members. The hard working Ambassadors Team are to be congratulated on their dedication in helping to advance this project another stage towards fruition


US women join HFAF

On Saturday 1st July seven American women were admitted into our Fraternity with a view to consecrating a Lodge in Washington DC. They came to us via UGLE where they had originally directed their enquiry. After much correspondence between their leader and the Grand Secretary they eventually travelled to London on the 30th June and were interviewed by the Grand Master and the Grand Secretary. On  the Saturday they took the first two Degrees of our Craft ritual utilising Ambassadors Lodge 13 which will also travel to Washington next year. On Monday 3rd July they returned to HQ to take their 3rd Degree to become Master Masons. Many of the Brethren who had visited India the previous year assisted in these ceremonies as by now they were experts at multiple candidate ceremonies. The Grand Inspector General oversaw all the details of these ceremonies to ensure they ran smoothly. Further brethren will come over in the autumn to be admitted.

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