Carole returns to work

On February 12th W Bro Carole returned to work as WM of Grace Bilantz 34 when she was beautifully installed by the amazing Helen. We are sure that Helen wont mind us mentioning that she is 85 years young and came to the rescue when the outgoing WM was unable to attend the meeting due to work pressures. Grace Bilantz 34 is one of our London lodges meeting at our headquarters, 402 Finchley Road, London NW2 2HR.

The PGLOA Xmas Lunch

The annual PGLOA (Past Grand Lodge Officers Association) Xmas Lunch took place at HQ on December 2nd. A delicious lunch and musical entertainment were provided and the merriment concluded with a visit from Father Christmas.

Winter Fayre 2018

The Deputy Grand Master, RW Bro Hedy-Joy Babani led a small but very hard-working team to once again stage our annual Winter Fayre on Sunday 18th November at 402 Finchley Road, London NW2 2HR. Lots of Xmas goodies were on sale and a cafe provided hot drinks and snacks.

Nigel Codron, the Assistant Provincial Grand Master of Middlesex gave a talk in the Temple about his life in Freemasonry. We were also delighted to receive an unexpected visitor in the form of Mason, the Medical Detection Dog who we had previously sponsored.

Ambassadors America

On 26th and 28th May, a further group of American women came to HQ and were Initiated, Passed and Raised over the Bank Holiday weekend. This means that the new Lodge when it is consecrated next year in Washington, DC will have at least 14 members. The hard working Ambassadors Team are to be congratulated on their dedication in helping to advance this project another stage towards fruition


International Food Day at HQ

On Sunday 29th April a special fundraising event organised by the New Blue Association was held at our London headquarters. As our membership is very diverse we thought it only right to celebrate that diversity by offering a selection of home-cooked foods from our members.

Stability - the oldest with its newest

Stability No. 1, the oldest Craft Lodge held its annual Installation meeting on 9th April when Bro. Iskra installed her successor Bro. Helen. Both of these brethren are extremely keen members of Freemasonry For Women (HFAF)

PGLOA Tea Party

On Monday 17th July the Past Deputy Grand Master Margaret Clarke presided over the annual Summer Tea Party for members of the Past Grand Lodge Officers Association. The occasion was enlivened by musical entertainment which brought many of the members to their feet to join in the dancing.

US women join HFAF

On Saturday 1st July seven American women were admitted into our Fraternity with a view to consecrating a Lodge in Washington DC. They came to us via UGLE where they had originally directed their enquiry. After much correspondence between their leader and the Grand Secretary they eventually travelled to London on the 30th June and were interviewed by the Grand Master and the Grand Secretary. On  the Saturday they took the first two Degrees of our Craft ritual utilising Ambassadors Lodge 13 which will also travel to Washington next year. On Monday 3rd July they returned to HQ to take their 3rd Degree to become Master Masons. Many of the Brethren who had visited India the previous year assisted in these ceremonies as by now they were experts at multiple candidate ceremonies. The Grand Inspector General oversaw all the details of these ceremonies to ensure they ran smoothly. Further brethren will come over in the autumn to be admitted.

Grand Mark

The bi-annual meeting of HFAF Grand Mark was held on Monday 27th March at 402 Finchley Road, London NW2. The Grand Master of the Mark, MW Bro. Christine Chapman was pleased to make several new appointments. The meeting was followed by a tea.

Mason is very well behaved!

HFAF Winter Fayre and Open Day


On Sunday 20th November from 12pm to 3pm we once again opened our doors at 402 Finchley Road, London NW2 2HR not only to promote our Fraternity but also to provide an enjoyable day out for members and visitors. Lots of lovely goods were on sale and there was the customary Fortitude cafe providing hot drinks and bagels.

There’s no doubting what the star attraction was this year. It’s this handsome chap who has been named Mason,what else? Our members have raised funds to pay for his training as a Medical Detection Dog. He has grown somewhat since the first picture was taken but a team from the Charity were there on Sunday with Mason and we were delighted to present a cheque to the Charity.

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