Family Fun Day at Rickmansworth

On Saturday 22nd July Herts and Middx Provinces of UGLE joined together to stage a Family Fun Day in the grounds of the Royal Masonic School for Girls in Rickmansworth. Despite the atrocious weather there was a good turnout and the event was well supported. We provided our usual Tombola Stall and well done to the HFAF Team who battled on despite several drenchings.

Cotswold 51 joins the Carnival Parade

Members of Cotswold Lodge  51 were pleased to be able to participate with their fellow Freemasons from UGLE in the Carnival Parade through the beautiful town of Witney on Saturday 8th July. Cotswold 51 meets at the Masonic Temple in Witney.

Women Freemasons at Great Queen Street

On Thursday 22nd June Grand Master Christine Chapman, at the invitation of the WM V.W. Bro. Ian Currans, Met GL AGM addressed the members of Jubilee Masters Lodge and their guests on the subject of Women’s Freemasonry. The Grand Master accompanied by her Grand Lodge Officers was escorted into the Grand Temple where she was received by the WM. The invitation had been issued many months ago and was arranged as the lodge’s Tercentenary event. Due to the size of the audience which had also been augmented by guests and members of HFAF, the event was moved from Temple 10 to the Grand Temple.

Her talk which was entitled Women in Blue was enthusiastically received and at the end she received a standing ovation. She answered several questions on the subject to the satisfaction of all present! Her talk is now available on Met GL Porchway website.

After the meeting the guests took the short walk along Great Queen Street to The Grand Connaught Rooms for a splendid banquet.

Grand Master receives a sweet reception in Kendal

On Friday 20th January, the Grand Master Christine Chapman accompanied by the Grand Secretary Maxine Priestley travelled to Kendal, the home of the famous mint,  at the invitation of Eversley Lodge and Kendal Castle Chapter. The evening which had been organised by artisan baker and freemason Simon Thomas and Maxine was supported by both the local masonic community and also by members of the HFAF from our lodges in  Morecambe, Blackpool, Preston and Carlisle. The talk outlined the history of Women’s Freemasonry and the current development of HFAF.


RIckmansworth Fun Days for HFAF

On two Sundays in July, the Royal Masonic Girls School hosted two Provincial Fun Days, one for Middx and one for Herts. HFAF was pleased to have been invited to have a presence at both events.

Lot of enquiries were received and on both occasions our Tombola was sold out.

HFAF working with UGLE to promote Freemasonry

HFAF represented by members of Sussex Lodge 17, Regency/Fidelity Lodge 40/2 and Surrey Lodge 45 shared a space with the Sussex Provincial Information Team at the South of England Show at Ardingly for the 3 days of this premier agricultural show in June.

This was a groundbreaking event for HFAF and thanks to the forward thinking Province of Sussex (UGLE) we received several enquiries about potential membership and much interest was shown in our organisation.



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