First Romanian WM for UK Lodge
Tuesday 22nd February saw the Installation meeting of Gothic Lodge No. 27, which meets at our London HQ at 402 Finchley Road, NW2 when W. Bro. Penny Di Cara installed Bro Cristina Poppa as her successor as WM. She gave her a ceremony to remember which was only to be expected from a Brother who is also a Past Master of Sussex Lodge No. 17. The new WM invested her Officers beautifully and is to be congratulated when one realises that English is not her mother tongue. At this meeting the lodge said goodbye to their Preceptor of many years the incredible Vy Wor Bro Sue Bentley who has proved herself to be a Preceptor par excellence and welcomed their new Preceptor W Bro Lesley Adams. Although we have a lodge in Romania, Alpha No. 54, W. Bro. Cristina is resident in the UK and so can lay claim to the title of the first Romanian WM for a UK Lodge.