Everyone should join!

It was amazing, everyone should join!” Those were the words of Lisa, a new Companion who along with Barbara travelled from Calahonda Lodge 53 in Spain to be Exalted into Royal Arch Freemasonry in Chapter of the Holy Sepulchre No. 6 at Rochford, Essex. The three Principals, Z, H and J and the Principal Sojourner delivered a beautiful ceremony to ensure that these two candidates had a day to remember. This was the first ceremony for MEZ Sue, H Elaine and J Angie since the Installation in November last year. Not even the presence of the 1st Grand Principal and the 3rd Grand Principal put them off. Anyone familiar with Royal Arch knows the important part played by the Principal Sojourner and Iskra certainly rose to the occasion. Proud Preceptor Jenny, (standing on the right) was delighted with the Officers. Director of Ceremonies Chrissy (Standing on the left) kept everything moving smoothly.

White Stone Mark 5 Installation

W. Bro. Barbara Green was Installed into the Chair of White Stone of Essex Mark 5 on September 8th at Rochford Masonic Centre

WM Barbara with IPM Carol at the Festive Board

WM Barbara with IPM Carol at the Festive Board

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