Freemasonry for Women (Coventry) supporting a high-flier of the future

When we set up our HFAF Uni Scheme it was with the intention of not only attracting younger members from Universities, it was also with the intention of providing bursaries to deserving students.

A high-flier for the future

Our project at Coventry aimed at re-opening Centrum Lodge 46 as a University Lodge recently received a request from UGLE University Lodge 9907 if we would join with them in supporting a very promising student called Farrah Barber. We were very happy to do so and agreed a sum of £250 and in conjunction with AMULL (Association of Medical, University and Legal Lodges) a grant totalling £1000 was made to enable to Farrah to pursue her MSc studies at Oxford in Social Science of the Internet, having recently graduated from St Andrews with a first-class honours degree in International Relations.

Centrum Lodge was due to be re-opened in April but due to the COVID-19 epidemic this has been postponed until next year. We wish Farrah every success in her future life. She certainly is deserving of our help as she has made every effort to support herself in her studies.

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167-169 Great Portland Street
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